Bored? Fill Out the Census!


Look, a lot of this is about how this is a newspaper column. If you are reading this, you’re aware that this is not a newspaper. Once again, I will remind my lovely readers that these blogs are just an alternate version of the MidYork Weekly column. Due to the nature of our ever-changing news cycle, this was published today (3/27/20), a week ahead of schedule in the newspaper. Because of that, please disregard anything related to columns, publishing dates, and the like. But please fill out the census!


To write about Covid-19 or to not write about Covid-19? That is the question. Given that the deadline for submission is about a week before the paper is published, it’s near-impossible to write a reactionary piece to the constantly-updating thread of information related to Covid-19. On the other hand, avoiding the subject completely may be perceived as irrelevant, especially since the virus has had such a direct impact on library operations and the community in general. I mean, I’m typing this from home on my laptop next to my 4 year-old son at 7:30 in the morning. He’s playing Legos now, but it’s only a matter of time until he uses his allotment of screen time for the day. 

So things are different. That’s it. See you next week! 




What’s that? I have half a column left? Oh, well, let’s look at what you can do to help pass the time that’s actually productive. Here’s one: FILL OUT THE CENSUS. For the first time, you can fill this out online! Go to It won’t take long enough to stave off cabin fever for a full day, but it’s a start. Why fill out the census? Because it affects school funding, housing, infrastructure, and more! As of this writing, an estimated 16% of households complete the survey. Please get it done so I can at least stop reminding you to fill it out.

After you fill out the census, be sure to check out our digital resources. Hoopla has just added over 1,000 new titles related to health, wellness, cooking, DIY, and more that you can access without checkout limits! 

And one more thing, we have locked our book drop and extended our closed date out until further notice. Please keep your items at home until we can figure out how to get back to work. 

Thank you for reading, stay safe, and support local businesses!

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