Maybe the Final Blog Post? Not really…

Oh hi there!

Remember when I used to write these weekly(ish) blogs about happenings at the Hamilton Public Library? It’s been a while! But not really… I’ll get to that.

Here’s the deal: I used to have a column in the now defunct newspaper, the MidYork (not affiliated with the Mid-York Library System) Weekly. Since said column was only available to subscribers, and as the column mostly concerned relevant library information, I used my position as copyright holder to also publish those columns as blogs here. When the MidYork Weekly ceased publication in September, I thought, “finally, I don’t have to write 350 words every Friday,” but it wasn’t long until our Assistant Director decided to start a newsletter. So much for taking it easy on Fridays.

Don’t get me wrong, a newsletter was a great idea, and long overdue (pun intended). Given that I had literal years of experience writing a weekly blog, contributing a monthly article seemed like a cakewalk, made better by the elimination of a required length. 

Somewhere in this transition from newspaper column/blog to newsletter, the blog part fell by the wayside. Sorry about that! I’ve been writing, just not here. Since the newsletter is published online, it felt redundant to upload it to a different part of the same website. The only problem is that we never told you we would just stop blogging here and start blogging there

Why here and not there? Because there’s so much more to the newsletter than my column! In it, you’ll find, as previously mentioned, a column of indeterminate length by yours truly, information about upcoming programs, updates from the Friends of the Library, recommended reading lists, ‘Cooking with Caleigh,’ and much more! Special shoutout to ‘Cooking with Caleigh,’ a feature wherein one of our staff members films herself preparing a dish from a cookbook in our collection in under a minute! This is not only the most entertaining segment, but when she finishes filming, she brings her leftovers for the staff to taste test. 

So how can you get the newsletter? Simply scroll down on this very page and fill out the ‘Subscribe to our monthly newsletter’ boxes and we’ll do the rest.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!

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