Job Announcements, Well Wishes, and a New Hire, in No Particular Order

To quote Yogi Berra, “it’s like déjà vu all over again” here at the Hamilton Public Library, where the only constant seems to be change. What am I talking about? Well, it seems like only yesterday I was offering best wishes to outgoing employees Michael Goe and Wendy Watkins, and this week I have TWO more coworkers to wish well on their future endeavors. 

Caprice Kilts, one of our long-time evening Circulation Assistants, and Diana Cassulis, our Program and Events Coordinator, are BOTH leaving us in June to move on to bigger, arguably better things! Be sure to stop in soon and join me in thanking them for their years of service to our community. There is not enough room in this column to convey my appreciation for both of these employees, suffice it to say that the place won’t be the same without you both. 

So naturally, the next thing to tell you about is the employment opportunities found on our website – be sure to check it out if you or anyone you know is interested to join our team as a Circulation Assistant or Programming and Events Coordinator!

Finally, we want to welcome our newest team member, Adirenne deNoyelles! Adrienne recently moved to the area from Florida, although her father is a Colgate alumnus (and longtime Blue Parsley Boy), who has lived in Hamilton for many years. She is an avid historian and cellist that is still thawing out from her first winter in Central New York. Adrienne is looking forward to planting her first summer garden and getting better acquainted with hiking trails, canal towpaths, and area antique stores! She will miss the sugar-sand beaches, sunsets, and manatees of her Florida home, but won’t miss the humidity, cockroaches, and love bugs! 

Best wishes to those leaving, good luck to those applying, and welcome to Adrienne!
Connect with/complain to Travis Olivera at the Hamilton Public Library by phone at (315) 824-3060 or by email at, or in person at the library.

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