Library Opening July 20!!

Starting on Monday, July 20, the Hamilton Public Library will open to the public!

Due to COVID-19, the following terms/restrictions apply: 

  • We will be open from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. on weekdays, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
  • 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. weekdays will be limited to high-risk patrons only.
  • All patrons must wear facemasks covering their mouth and nose at all times when inside the building. If you do not have a facemask, one will be provided to you if they are available.
  • Social distance guidelines must be followed.
  • Bathrooms are not available to the public at this time.
  • There will be hand sanitizer available inside each entrance and throughout the building.
  • Public seating has been removed with the exception of public computer seating.
  • Computers may be used for a limit of one hour per day. They will be cleaned and disinfected after each use. Because of social distancing guidelines, expect a reduced number of workstations.
  • Browsing in the stacks is allowed, however we ask that you only touch an item if you need to. Please leave any books/movies/magazines in designated areas for proper disinfection after handling. 
  • If you would like to add yourself to a contact tracing log, notify a member of the staff. This log will be kept confidential.
  • Access to the building/certain areas may be restricted depending on the number of patrons already in the building.
  • Curbside pickup and delivery are still available for everyone during our open hours.

We apologize for all of the inconveniences associated with opening our building during a pandemic. These procedures are being put in place to protect us all. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, understanding, and patience with us as we move forward. 

For those of you who have yet to sign up for the Summer Reading Program, get with the program! 

Thank you for reading and for wearing your masks.

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