Snow Column This Week

The goal of this week’s column is to complete it in as little time as possible in order to get more pressing work done like – finishing the state-required Annual Report by Tuesday, preparing for the Trustees meeting by Wednesday, finishing the 2020-2021 budget draft by Monday, and finding a new employee ASAP. Oh, and today’s a snowy day and most of the staff decided (rightfully so) that it was not worth a drive in to work today leaving me here all alone. That last one is really my fault. I could just close and go home, but… too much work to do! So while I’m doing all those other things, I get to figure out a column by… an hour from now. Cool!

With all that complaining out of the way, what do we have to talk about at the Hamilton Public Library this week? Well if I knew, then I wouldn’t be asking you!

Is it too early to start talking about the Summer Reading Program? Probably, but as far as planning goes, we’re in the thick of booking performers and juggling two additional Remote Summer Reading Programs this year. What this means is that we’ll be hosting events not only here at the Library, we’ll also be traveling to Brookfield and Lebanon weekly to bring programming to them! Maybe it’s just something in the air today – the snow, actually is in the air today – that makes me long for those warm summer days and get two seasons ahead of myself. If anything, I should be telling you about the plans we have for spring break!

Oh, I just got a note from the President of the Friends of the Library who asked very politely to mention the chair raffle in this week’s column. So here it is – be sure to pick up your tickets to win the amazing rocking chair we have on display in the Children’s Room! The drawing will be held on February 21, you do NOT have to be present to win. 

For now, keep dreaming of all those wonderful summertime things like bugs, heat, and humidity, and stay safe driving out there if it hasn’t cleared up by the time of this printing. Right now, it’s noon on Friday and we were just alerted that Colgate closed, there is a travel ban in Madison County… maybe that’s it for the day for me too. Wait. Nope. I really need to finish that annual report!

Until next time, happy reading!

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