Some Good News

Even in times of civil unrest and amidst a global pandemic, we really do have some positive news to report. Of course how we arrived at this point in history isn’t good news, but the response en masse from demonstrators nationwide has been inspiring, and Hamilton is no exception. I am grateful to work in a community that shows such overwhelming support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Your protests last week were among the largest crowds I’ve seen on the Green, so thank you to everyone involved. 

For years the library has been committed to building a collection that represents diverse perspectives and we do not shy away from ordering books on race relations. Part of this is due to the Hamilton Area Anti-Racism Coalition Book Club (which meets at the library during non-Covid times). They have read and discussed “White Fragility” by Robin DiAngelo, “How to Be an Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi, and “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. I mention those three books specifically because they are the top three bestselling books on Amazon at this moment. But the library is closed due to the pandemic! How can we get these books? Why would you tease us like this? WHY?

Well, here’s more of that good news I was talking about. The library started curbside pickup last week! Not sure how that works? Check out our website or give us a call for more information. In order to do this properly, our staff is making sure to follow strict guidelines for cleanliness to ensure your – and their – safety.

What? You want MORE good news? Fine, but this is the last one. I’m running out of words! The library is starting a FREE delivery service to anyone that lives in our service area. For the record, that includes cardholders in Brookfield, Hamilton, Lebanon, and Madison. If you’re interested, give us a call or check our website for more information. 

Stay safe, stay peaceful, and thank you for reading.

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