Survey Says…

Hello! The Hamilton Public Library is conducting a survey of our patrons to get your input moving forward. On paper, the survey is one page, front-and-back, so it won’t take you very long to complete. I don’t want to spoil what we’re asking, but every bit of information we receive from you will be compiled and shared with our staff and Trustees. Also expect some kind of results post in this column as it seems like content I could definitely get 350 words out of!

Surveys can be found on the homepage of our website, in print form at the library, and in your Village of Hamilton utility bill! For those of you that fill out paper copies, please return them to the library at your earliest convenience. The results of these surveys will be kept confidential, and the box to collect them will be well-marked in our building. Thank you in advance for helping us grow! After all, this is YOUR community library, it makes sense that you should have some input as to how we do things!

On an unrelated note, I just want to take this opportunity to thank Cassie Marks for all her work here over the last few years. Cassie’s final shift was last week, and we wish her the best of luck in college and beyond. It’s been a pleasure working with her and we look forward to seeing what she does next. 

I also want to welcome our newest staff member, but that’s still not 100% official so it’ll just have to wait until next week’s column!

Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful week. Don’t forget to fill out our survey!

Connect with/complain to Travis Olivera at the Hamilton Public Library by phone at (315) 824-3060 or by email at, or in person at the library.

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