American Girl® Dolls Recovered From Surgery

We all get bumps and bruises from time to time. As it turns out, so do American Girl® Dolls! And just like us, they too need to visit a hospital when a band-aid (or in their case, acne cream, a sandwich bag, and sunshine) just isn’t enough. Kirsten and Felicity had two separate incidents recently, rendering both of them unable to fulfill their duties as official American Girl® Dolls of the Hamilton Public Library. Luckily, their insurance covered leg reattachment (Felicity) and a full head transplant (Kirsten). Both dolls recovered from surgery and are once again ready to visit your home, along with their friends Addy, Josefina, Kit, Luciana, and Tenney. 

It’s been some time since I updated you on the American Girl® Dolls, and since I enjoy a good statistic or two, here’s some information about our collection! Josefina, Kirsten, and Addy were the first arrivals, followed closely by Kit. Since they’ve been around longer than Felicity, Luciana, and Tenney, they have more overall checkouts. All of our dolls were donated by community members and Worn Again Thrift Shop. Kit is our all-time most popular doll with 85 checkouts and Kirsten comes in a close second with 83. On average, Luciana is our most frequently loved doll, getting about 25 checkouts per year with Kit coming in second at about 21 checkouts per year. Collectively, these Dolls, along with our robotics kits, check out an average of 16 times per month. The all-time monthly record was 26 in July 2019. 

Thank you to the Friends of the Library for covering Felicity and Kirsten’s co-pays! Speaking of the Friends of the Library, this is the first week in a while I am NOT promoting the chair raffle – because we have a winner! Congratulations to Lauren Walsh on your new rocker! And if you think helping to raise money for your local library and talking about American Girl® Dolls in meetings sounds fun, then consider joining the Friends of the Library board! Contact the library for information on joining.

Thank you for continuing to support the Friends through the chair raffle and donations. We couldn’t do this without you! Thank you for reading!

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