Back to a New Normal. Or Newrmal.

First, I don’t know if and/or how to copyright a word, but if at all possible, I call copyright on the word “Newrmal,” a portmanteau of “New” and “Normal,” both of which have been used so frequently that I think this new one is really going to catch on. 

It’s been a heck of a few weeks. Correction: it’s been a heck of a few months. The library has returned to its normal operating hours and staffing, but we’re far from being back to ‘normal.’ Books can be ordered from any library in the MidYork system, but due to quarantine times, it might take a few extra days to get it in your hands. 

Basically, every sentence I can think of to type reads “Progress, but.” For example, we resumed programming, but they’re all outside and restricted to 50 attendees and everyone has to wear a face covering and/or social distance from everyone else. Patrons can use our computers, but they have to limit their usage to an hour, wear a face covering while they’re here, and deal with plastic wrap on the keyboards. Likewise, we have tables set up throughout the library, but there’s only one chair at each of them. Books can be returned to our facility, but must be done through our drop box. There are dozens of other examples of our hard work and progress with an asterisk, so if you haven’t visited us since we opened again in mid-July, just expect things to be a little different. 

While we have opened up, we are continuing with curbside pickup and home delivery and have no plans to halt those services. Please use whatever method you are comfortable with. All of our materials are quarantined for a number of days before they are checked in, so this may result in false late charges, but at least they are germ-free!So the question is, have people been using the library now that we’re open? Yes, but. Checkouts and visits are down from a year ago, but are steadily increasing week to week. Just another example of what’s newrmal around here. 

Thank you for reading, and keep that face covering above your nose!

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