If No News is Good News, This Blog is Very Good

What’s new at the library this week? Very little! We’re still closed, so please keep enjoying our eAudiobooks, eBooks, and streaming services, courtesy of Hoopla, Libby, RBDigital, and Overdrive. You can also attend our programs online, from Chair Yoga to Storytime with your very own local yoga instructors and storytellers, as well as see links to other libraries’ programs and activities, just check out our Facebook page and Nextdoor posts for more details.

It doesn’t look like we’ll be reopening this week again, and you probably might be going more and more stir crazy every day. Rest assured, so are we. We are collaborating with other MidYork Libraries to discuss a reopening strategy that offers limited services and access to our physical collections while keeping you safe. It may not surprise you to hear that when considering reopening on any level, there are a number of factors to consider, for example while we may open in this county, another county may not be in the same reopening plan – it’s hard to get delivery to one library while another is closed! While there isn’t a clear timetable for reopening, we can still prepare for the day when we can return to some kind of service. 

I really really hope that one of these weeks we will have actual news to offer you in this paper of news. Until then, stay at home as much as possible, and if you need to leave the house, don’t forget your mask, hand sanitizer, and gloves if you got ‘em. The more we work together and practice physical distancing, the faster we can get back to some semblance of normalcy. I never thought I would miss work at all, let alone this much.

Thank you for reading! There’s still 25 words left, so I’d like to give a quick shout-out to Mike Jaquays, who keeps this paper going despite having to figure it out from home and, unlike me, hasn’t missed a deadline yet. Thanks, Mike! (Note: This blog is also published in the MidYork Weekly newspaper.)

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