Spring? Reading Program?

How do we library when we aren’t allowed to library? (See: Executive Order 202.6 for more information.) While we’re not quite ready to open, we are expanding our programs out to the information superhighway, including one where you can earn gift cards to local businesses for reading at home! How about that?

Okay so I’m sort of only telling half the story here. Unfortunately, much of this column needs to be written in past tense. Let’s try again. You could have earned gift cards for reading at home, because by the time you’re reading this, the chance to earn one of these fabulous prizes has passed. That’s probably due to the Director of the Library not getting these columns finished by his deadline. So feel free to shake your fist in his general direction if you feel left out because you don’t follow us on Facebook. In his defense, he lost track of the days since ALL DAYS FEEL THE SAME NOW.

If this column had been written prior to the program, you would have learned the following about it, which was written weeks ago: 

Thanks to a generous donation from the Friends of the Library, we are offering gift cards to many of our Hamilton businesses as prizes in our Stay Home and READ challenge! Participants can create an account in READsquared, keep track of their reading by creating logs in their account, and earn badges and points toward the prizes. Everyone who participates is eligible for the prize drawings, and those who complete the program are eligible for the Grand Prize drawings. There is a program for kids and teens as well as one for adults. Altogether we were able to help support 13 local businesses! I’m not sure if this number of businesses was intentional, but I like to think that it was.

It might be a good idea to look into READsquared, since it looks like we’ll be using it to track reading in our Summer Reading Program since, well, that might be the most exciting aspect of that program. Sorry!

As always, thank you for reading and enjoy your day. Be safe!

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