Have you ever seen another person’s homemade felt cup cozie and thought to yourself, “Self, that’s a really sharp lookin’ cozie. I wish I could have one of those.” “Impossible,” you’d respond to yourself, continuing, “I don’t know where to find said fox, owl, cat, or bear cozie, and I definitely don’t know how to make one of my own,” then get on with your day, this thought becoming an afterthought almost immediately.
Well what if I told you that not only you could get one of them thar cozies for free, you would ALSO learn how to make one in the process? No, I’m not pulling your leg, this is for real! The Hamilton Public Library’s monthly make-and-take (or is it Take-and-Make? Yeah that order “makes” more sense) craft of the month is – you guessed it – DIY Felt Cozies!
Take one for you or to give to a loved one this upcoming holiday season, this craft is intended for adults and teens, and perfect for folks that want to reduce waste in those disposable coffee holders. It’s also perfect for anyone who looks at their drab disposable coffee cup and just wants it to be adorable.
Kits will be available on a first-come, first-served basis and can be found inside the library starting today, December 10. Get ‘em while they’re… cooling off? Or they’ll be…. cooling off. Eventually. I think you see where I’m going with this. They’re hot in the sense that they’re popular, but the hot beverage will be cooled by the very craft kit discussed above.
Thank you for reading. Stay safe, and have a cozie day!