Mask Restrictions Loosened at the Hamilton Public Library

Important news at the Hamilton Public Library this week! The Board of Trustees has lifted the mask mandate set in place since we reopened in June 2020. This decision was not made lightly and followed the guidance of the CDC, State, and even the local School District.

To review: Masks are now optional. Please continue to respect the choices of your fellow patrons and staff members who continue to wear them if you choose not to. If you would like a mask, they’re still available to all patrons near our entrances for the time being.

So, I’m sure your next question is, if the mask ban is lifted, can we open up the Community Room to events that take place outside library hours? Well, only if CDC, State, County, and local municipalities loosen the restrictions on capacity limits which, it turns out, they have! So yes, the Community Room is AVAILABLE to patrons and groups that want to use it after hours, just like it was pre-pandemic! To use our space, fill out the room request form on our “Contact” tab on our website and agree to our very basic terms and conditions. 

Despite moving back to pre-pandemic normalcy, we’re still keeping a few things in place. Curbside pickup and free delivery are still being offered, most likely indefinitely. These are extremely helpful services that not only benefit those of you looking to social distance, and the feedback on them has been extremely positive. We’re also keeping up our room divider in front of the circulation desk, and the outside drop box is going to be kept open, regardless of our open hours. 

Oh and real quick plug about taxes – the library has forms available at no charge, just make sure you know what forms you need to print. This offer does NOT extend to the instruction booklets, sorry! Remember that our staff are not tax experts but can help get you some basic information. Seniors that qualify for free tax prep help, make an appointment with Cornell Cooperative Extension by calling (315) 750-2638 and they’ll help you file right in our library!

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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