MTS & HPL, A Fare Deal

A few weeks ago I mentioned in this column that the Madison Transit System/Birnie Bus (MTS) is not only still in operation during COVID-19, but that they were taking donations to sponsor rides for County residents. While this is great news for those that need extra help getting to the grocery store (or going to get a vaccination), donating to this program seemed difficult. Previously, you would have to email their amazing Mobility Manager (shoutout to Donny Ybarra!) and arrange a donation. But wouldn’t it be easier if you could just go into an easily-accessible public space and donate in person? Let’s see, this place would have to have a cash register, the ability to issue receipts, and maybe have experience in taking other types of donations like prom dresses, ice skates, diapers, etc. It almost sounds like the place I’m describing is… This Very Library!

So in what seems like a natural progression of events, we are now accepting donations to the MTS! All you have to do is walk in and tell the circulation staff what you’re donating to. And while you can ‘sponsor a fare’ for $1.50, you can also donate in any other amount that you can dream of! The only restriction being that we do not accept credit cards. If you want to use those, you’ll have to donate the old fashioned way by contacting Donny Ybarra (see shoutout above) at I should add that donating that way has its advantages – you get to correspond with a one Mr. Ybarra, who is a pleasure to deal with. After all, I don’t give shoutouts to just anyone!

That’s it for this week. Thank you for reading and stay safe! 

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