One More Use For Library Cards

We all know that with your MidYork Library card, you can access hundreds of thousands of items, ranging from books to ice skates and everything in between. Not to mention the copious amounts of electronic resources available through Overdrive and Libby! With libraries and e-libraries, each of our patrons can get pretty much everything they need with that one little yellow card, within reason. 

Well, what if what you ‘need’ isn’t a book, but a discount on coffee? Normally I’d say that’s a bit of a stretch, even for us. But in this quaint little Village, filled with people and businesses who understand the importance of open access to information, having a MidYork library card on your person can now get you 10% off of your purchase at FoJo Beans! This discount applies to in-store purchases only, and not on the beans themselves, but what doesn’t go better with a good book than a cup of coffee?! 

Of course, this promotion only applies to those of you that have library cards. Won’t this leave out those of you that for one reason or another find yourself without a card? Well, starting always, library cards are FREE to area residents. All you have to do is stop in, fill out a form, and provide some sort of identification or proof of address. You can also sign up for your card online through if you prefer. 

Thank you so much to the management team at FoJo Beans for coordinating with us on this promotion. As the pun in the social media posts related to this campaign reads, ‘Reading is FoJoMental!’ 

Oh, and while I’m thanking people for their good work around here, yet another thanks needs to be extended to the Friends of the Library, who paid for printing and postage on about 1,000 postcards that area patrons received last week. Aside from being downright adorable, these cards serve as a reminder to folks that we are open and that curbside pickup and delivery are available. Thanks, Friends!

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