Pardon the Mess – We’re Renovating!

When I started working here, I asked the previous Director if she had any unfinished business that I should address immediately. Without hesitation, she responded “the HVAC system.” Well, It’s been 3 and a half years, but we’re finally addressing the HVAC system!

Really, we started to address it about 2 years ago when we wrote a New York State Library Construction Grant for the project in August 2019. Even since the project was approved shortly thereafter, it’s been a whirlwind of excitement, delays, and an increase in costs (partially due to the pandemic), but it’s finally happening! 

So please excuse our dust as we work to install new rooftop units, a more efficient boiler, water heaters throughout the building, drill a few holes in the walls, rewire a bit, and paint a bunch. And by “we,” I mean professional contractors. So don’t worry, the job will be done correctly.

Thank you to, well, I suppose the New York State Budget first and foremost, for allocating millions of dollars for this specific purpose every year. Next, thank you to the Village, who not only own the building but also contributed funds to help complete this project. Also thank you to the Friends of the Library and the Central New York Library Resources Council for adding additional funds following the aforementioned ‘increase in costs’ mentioned previously. And a big thank you to the Board of Trustees for your patience in dealing with this and working to get this project completed in the first place.

I realize this project doesn’t sound exciting on paper, but a more comfortable environment for patrons and staff while becoming just a little more energy-efficient is sure exciting in my book!

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.

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