Reminder – Masks Still Required Indoors

I hesitate to even write a post about this, as the times they are a-changin’ a-rapidly, and there’s a-good chance by the time this is published they’ve changed yet a-gain, but given the increase in activity in our building and the constant updating of CDC guidelines, a-few things need a-remindin’. (Don’t worry, I’m abandoning the ‘a-changin’’ thing at the end of this… a-paragraph.)

So here’s the thing – If you are in the library, which is indoors, you need to continue wearing a mask. As of this writing, the County and State have not loosened restrictions on this mandate, and the CDC still recommends mask wearing inside. For many of you, this is just second nature, but it seems every day we need to remind more and more patrons about proper mask wearing. By proper, we mean that the mask has to rest above your nose and below your chin, and that bandanas and neck gaiters don’t count. By the way, if you need a proper mask, we have them at the circulation desk free of charge.

It doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, how many years you’ve been coming into the library, how long you plan to hang out, who you voted for, the current weather conditions, or your present demeanor. The policy in this building is that if you are able to wear a mask, then you must wear a mask. If you are unable, then we will make reasonable accommodations to meet your information needs, such as providing curbside pickup or free delivery.

We get it. Wearing masks is a pain. They fog up your glasses, you have to smell your own breath constantly, you get sweaty, are more prone to breakouts, and people don’t get to look at your beautiful face, to name a few negatives. But all of those inconveniences beat contracting or carrying COVID-19 any day of the week. Allowing unmasked patrons in our building puts our staff and community at risk, and will only serve to draw out this pandemic further. 

I appreciate your cooperation in this. If you have any questions or comments, please @ me. My contact information is below.

Connect with/complain to Travis Olivera at the Hamilton Public Library by phone at (315) 824-3060 or by email at, or in person at the library.

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