The Library

Now Hiring!

The Hamilton Public Library is looking for a part-time Circulation Assistant!  This person is responsible for, oh, so many things around here. Things like checking in and out library materials, knowing where to find tax forms (this season only), using our cash register, knowing where to find… everything in the building and in our catalog,

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You read that right, the title of this blog is Purseapalooza! For those that have not seen this word before, here’s a breakdown:  – Purse (noun) \ˈpərs\ : a receptacle (such as a pocketbook) for carrying money and often other small objects – Apalooza (noun) \ə-pə-ˈlü-sə\ : a social event in which entertainment, food, and

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Ice, Ice, Baby

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, I know that’s a Christmas song, but there’s something about sub-zero temperatures and snow that actually sticks around for more than an hour that just gets me feeling all warm and cozy inside. Maybe it’s the new HVAC system that was installed here at the library

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Here at the Hamilton Public Library, we develop a specifically curated collection of new materials to suit our community’s needs. These materials include books for patrons of all ages from kids’ picture books to large print, audiobooks, DVDs, and even comic books and video games! There are many factors involved in how we decide on

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